Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 04, 2008 Eaworm

So, thanks to Kmatt, I've finally given in to Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds' "Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!" and I am glad. Apparently enough years have gone by that I can now listen to Nick Cave without my eyes burning from the memory of patchouli and the vision of Bob Nance, strung out and laughing at the jokes of a vacuum cleaner.

Lazarus, now Larry (and gee, thanks for that, Nick!)takes his resurrection on the road to all the familiar modern Sodoms where he finds that not everyone is up to the challenge of a second chance. Like Tatum O'Neal or Hillary Clinton...

As I'd already been pondering missed opportunities and the second chances my life has experienced, as well as what, exactly, makes a person make the right choices, this album fits like a glove. Oh, and I've decided that there are no right choices, only what you make of the ones you've chosen.

postscript: I seem to have opened a door with this one and not the one to the Nick Cave fan club. Hello, fellow former(ish) Baltimore kids. Drop a line and say "hello" - If not, I'm glad both you and I are alive to remember and I hope that you are doing well, found some sort of happiness, and are no longer torturing your hair. Kind regards, Larry

1 comment:

jmanenski said...

Jim Manenski here. So stunned to find your blog. Chantelle and I were just chatting on the phone. She lives in Atlanta too. She hadn't seen the current Interview cover with Marc Jacobs all painted and looking amazingly like Bob Nance. I scanned and emailed it to her and she immediately called all confused and wondering why Bob would be on the cover of a magazine. I'm living in Baja California, Mexico; about 20 miles south of San Diego. Email me or reply here, if you care to.