Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 08, 2008 Earworm

Time marches on and those of us just reaching the age where we begin to recognize exactly what that means are either grabbing on to door frames in a frantic attempt to slow it down just long enough to think it through. Unfortunately, time is having none of that "let me 'process' this" bullshit, smug in its knowledge that we're all over-dramatizing as usual and that the situation is not "make or break" because, well... it just doesn't work that way. And time is like Carrie, Freddie, and Jason; it keeps coming back.

Having left so much behind in my life, I've given up on trying to reclaim it all. There's just not enough room. So, I make lists in my head where the worst and the best of any particular scenario are noted and I look for the lesson in the former and then try to grab the impetus for the latter for later use. I'd like to report that this is working beautifully and life is just falling into place but I'm far too neurotic for that. But it is better since I've begun this approach to facing down (gasp) middle age.

Jason Collett looks too young to be dealing with such thoughts but "Hangover Days", from his 2005 album "Idols in Exile", is doing just that. The memories of the beginning of a romance are beautifully whittled down to a few key points - "it was in your basement apartment, with all of it's earth and sea" - until they no longer justify the effort it takes to withstand the changes that time has wrought.
No, it isn't easy this way, but it is easier.

"Killing time but it won't stand still".

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