Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 01, 2008 Earworm

"Hey! You got ecstasy in my acid!"
"No, you got acid in my ecstasy!"

Or, you've got the MGMT album, "Oracular Spectacular". You can kinda imagine what you're in for when you see Flaming Lips producer, David Fridmann on the jacket but what if you mix it up with some crystal blue persuasion that the kids are starting to change, starting to come together as is promised on "The Youth"?
"This is a call to arms, to live and love and sleep together.
We could flood the streets with love or light or heat - whatever"

Pretty groovy idea, right? But that whatever concerns me. What if somebody brings sweet cherry wine? Whatever, indeed.

But maybe whatever is just fine. Hey, if it gets them to put down the X-box controls, I'm all for it.

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