Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30, 2008 Earworm

As a month of madness comes to a close I think of how it started and am shocked by just how little time has passed because this month seems to have lasted forever. I think about what's not been said, what seems to be pointless to mention, and how little anyone knows about those who surround them. Some relationships seem based upon full disclosure but we all keep our secrets. That may not be bad when the getting is good but...
So, Josh Ritter's "Naked As A Window" is todays pick because I hear it as a warning to not be distracted by what appears to be the full monty because there's always a beneath beneath. And also because I'm in love with the lyric, "I'm just a hallway for ceilings and walls, bathed in emptiness all the way through".

Thank god it's Wednesday.

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