Monday, August 4, 2008

August 04, 2008 Earworm

Two years and a few days ago, the earworm kicked off talking about White Whale singles: the second of which was "The Habit of Loving You" by Nino and April, their follow up to todays earworm, "All Strung Out". The drug metaphors in both singles are apt as both singles, once you get beyond the strangeness of them, are extremely addictive.

Nino once noted that it was Bones Howe who finally made sense of the many extremes that make up "All Strung Out" - the Spectorisms, the MOR backing vocals, the doo wop on a surfboard moment that ends the first chorus... - and to many, he didn't do that great of a job. But most naysayers do agree that the final product goes a long way in washing away the stench of "Deep Purple". But I'm not a naysayer and I find "Deep Purple" charming and I also think that the best thing about "All Strung Out" is its precariously balanced arrangement because love and addiction both put us in a situation where we're not on solid ground and are sometimes willing to accept less than top grade dosages if it will only quell our desires.

Like a good buzz, "All Strung Out" spread slowly across the country in 1966, peaking at different times and places but only making it as high as #26 on the big chart. I've not found a copy in too many record collections which makes me even more impressed when I find somebody who is actually holding.

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