Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26, 2008 Earworm

You get what you want in the form you deserve seems fitting this morning as we look out on a back yard filled with puddles of long needed rain while the weather man cries of the sky falling and tornado activity brewing. Even the rain loving Mac refused to go out in it forcing Dannyboy and I to suit up and drag three Irish Terriers through the mud in the hope that the inevitable morning constitutions not take place in a shame filled dark corner of the house. And only yesterday I was dismissing the notion of buying a rain barrel...
A soggy morning calls for a soggy song and it's too late for "I Wish It Would Rain" so my mind drags up Peanut's "Thank Goodness For The Rain", a lovely little beat tune from 1965 working that familiar tears equal rain theme with a very earnest and very young Katherine Farthing singing as though her life depended upon her performance. Since it was her first solo outing, she very well may have thought that she was. For me, it's all about the low key arrangement and that delicious guitar which I'm sure comes courtesy of Mark Wirtz since he's credited for the production.
Katherine "Peanut" Farthing's solo career never really panned out although Pye valiantly put four singles out; amongst them is a cover of The Beach Boys' "I'm Waiting For The Day" which I hope to stumble upon some day. Her day in the spotlight would come in the early 70's as part of Mac and Katie, with her brother Jerry. She's still doing back up work, most recently on some Robbie Williams records and as part of Roger Waters' Dark Side of the Moon tour in 2007

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