Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10, 2008 Earworm

With every new Coldplay release come the moments when I think about what exactly is missing from Coldplay. I buy the albums, marvel at the sound of it, and then get a craving for music. There are hooks aplenty and there have been plenty of songs that are saved by their hooks and more than making up for other weaknesses. So what, exactly, is it about Coldplay that makes me want more?

As "Viva La Vida", both album and single, descend from their respective number 1 peaks and the parade of magazine covers begins to wane, I realize that Chris Martin and company may be humble about their abilities but they still want to be the biggest band in the world. To that end, they write songs for everyone about everything and, in most cases, end up creating musical Twinkies where the bigger they get, the less filling - in every sense of the word.

By accident(?), the song "Viva La Vida" and its telling of revolutions and rulers past and the downfalls of both seems quite timely as the world waits for January 20, 2009, searches the airwaves for the successor, and finds little more than re-packaged ideas that appear increasingly lacking of ideals. And, with so much hot air blowing little more than smoke up our asses, it just may be Coldplay who end up ruling the world.

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