Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009 Earworm

As much as I love Jennifer Holiday, I am a full fledged Jennifer Hudson fan. Not only is she a gifted a vocalist and actress , she has charm to spare, has shown grace under horrific pressure, and she circumvented the hyperbole of American Idol to shine on her own terms. "Spotlight" was a perfect summer single, languid yet anxious, a slow simmer that brought to my mind an image of her tapping her foot and waiting for the news to sink in - wise enough to know she will not hear anything that will change the scenario. Unfortunately, I can no longer hear it without thinking of the how harsh the spotlight can be. But then, I think of how deftly she stepped out of it, refusing to let the press manipulate her grief into soundbites for an infotainment starved world.

Now she's back, basking in a Grammy glow, a winner, and a shining star.

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