Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10, 2009 Earworm

If you keep dipping your fingers in oddities, you're bound to find things that knock your jaw to the floor and prompt that famous question, "WTF?". Such is the case with "Ghost Power" by The Cords. Coming straight outta Pulaski, Wisconsin, it's one of the gnarliest records I've ever heard, sans pretense, and I can only imagine the nirvana reached if the brothers Reid ever got their hands on a copy. If the mouth-on-tummy faux fart noise - allegedly created by a plastic horn - doesn't slay ya, maybe the freaky sci-fi phaser thingys will. If that doesn't work, there's always the accordion or the feedback.

If this description hasn't made you a wee bit curious, let me mention that The Cords were Franciscan monks who, when not creating a hellish garage/punk noise at church socials, could be found entertaining the crowds with their polka set!

All of that can (sometimes) be found on the 1970 Cuca single (in stereo!) or safe yourself the searching and find it on volume four of Sundazed's series, "Garage Beat '66: I'm In Need".

for a quick fix, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaLht-drX_E

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