Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009 Earworm

So many of my records have fallen by the wayside; borrowed, lost, "borrowed", and tossed out or sold in times of desperation. I mourn them all eventually. Playing a round of complete the lyric with a facebook friend, my heart quickened when I saw "Finders not keepers - and all that's left is just reminders, love in pieces, the debris and the dust of memories that linger so long..." starting a new round. Again, a headband comes to mind and I see the picture sleeve of Lulu's 1981 US comeback single, "I Could Never Miss You (More Than I Do)" - and a long lost friend comes calling.

I don't know how we got separated but I do know that I drove a high school friend crazy with my infatuation with, and endless playing of, this single. Writer Neil Harrison - best known as faux John Lennon in yet another Beatles tribute - may not have written anything new about lost loves but in Lulu's delivery of lines like "But if I searched the whole world over - from pillar to post - you're the one that I need the most", her cadence suggesting constant distraction, it's all post-disco disco-light despair on the dance floor of a b-list club at last call.

"I Could Never Miss You (More Than I Do)" peaked at #16, suggesting that a lot of people in certain areas know this song, making it like a secret handshake of fellow travelers. And once the shake is complete, it can't be shaken, as I've discovered.

Also discovered was a ghastly video with a visibly uncomfortable vocalist who should, as noted by Bill, be leery of pyramid schemes.

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