Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20, 2008 Earworm

Pity the bass singer. Even in their heyday, they didn't stand a chance against the wailing falsetto's and only got a shout out once, back in '63 when Johnny Cymbal's "Mr. Bass Man" cracked the top twenty. That you're probably thinking, "Who is Johnny Cymbal" only makes the bass singer's plight more sad.

Pervis Jackson of The Spinners did manage to get some respect back in '75 when his interjections and, in particular, his time check - "12:45" - became the hook of "Games People Play" - or "They Just Can't Stop It (Games People Play)" if you bought the single late, and garnered him a nickname. As one of a school bus full of pre-pubescent boys who all attempted to prove their manliness by showing just how low we could go, I can attest to the strength of the moment; you could practically hear the testicles dropping in the aftermath.

While not one of the usual silky soul Thom Bell/Linda Creed creations for which The Spinners were known, it's story line and vocal interplay not only made it a huge hit but also kept this show tune in search of a show from completely veering into schmaltz.

So, rest in peace, Pervis "12:45" Jackson, bass man extraordinaire and puberty propeller that you were.

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