Friday, March 14, 2008

March 14, 2008 Earworm

If you're going to be dissed, it might as well be by Alexander O'Neal: at least you can dance to it. With "Criticize", he puts his foot down on his girlfriend's constant commentary on all that she finds wrong with his world and yet she still manages to get the last word because she takes the chorus right out from under him.

Alexander was the Flyte Tyme crew's answer to Marvin Gaye and they even gave him his own Tammi Terrell in the form of the delicious Cherrelle. Neither one of them would ever have the pop success of that famous duo but the beautiful "Saturday Love" came close. With "Criticize", the forever undervalued Lisa Kieth stands in for Cherrelle, and almost steals the show with her perfectly delivered retorts.

Having had many a butt shaking, hairbrush-microphone moments with this one - Hey, Kmatt! - I can assure you that it makes the tedious household chores go by much faster and is also an excellent getting ready to go out soundtrack.

Have a great weekend.

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